Home » Digital Portfolio » One Place to Keep All Links-MEAU

One Place to Keep All Links-MEAU

MEAU is a digital portal that allows you to store all your links in one place. You can create a digital portfolio, digital business card, and a Link tree on a single web platform. Link tree creates a single hyperlink that houses all your diverse links of various social media platforms and online content.

MEAU is your modern-day solution for making multiple and diverse link trees that will enhance your digital portfolio. We increase your audience reach and content consumption. MEAU saves you from the laborious task of managing and socializing multiple links at once. We help you in creating a unique and personalized hyperlink. 

The 4-C formula encapsulates the benefits you get by keeping all your links in one place. At MEAU, you can compress your data, calculate your career prospects, connect with the World Wide Web, and communicate your story to the world. 

Compress your Links

MEAU helps you give a comprehensive account of all your online content on a single web page. From your basic details such as name, email, to your work projects, certificates, achievements, and various other traits. You can create one URL Link on MEAU that stores all your data and information.

With it, one also compresses, shorten, and customize your URL links by using the Short Link feature on MEAU. With just one link, you can establish your digital identity on the internet.

Calculate Engagement on your Links

MEAU helps you keep a check on the engagement on your links and their shareability. The data analytics provided by MEAU give you a detailed account of views and actions on your digital profile daily. It also allows users to give feedback and testimonials on your profile. It lets you calculate your prospects and accelerate your career growth.


By storing all your online content in a single link, MEAU revolutionizes your shareability. You can share one link for all diverse purposes and connect with the internet with a single click.


The single hyperlink URL that you create on MEAU will not only store your diverse online data and links but also your digital story. In today’s competitive world, a simple resume is not enough to land you your dream job.

Employers look for creativity, digital skills, character, and personality in a candidate’s resume. Your MEAU URL, storing your digital profile, will communicate your story to the world. We help you in presenting a comprehensive view of all your data in a single place. You can create an online network, increase your professional contacts, and deliver your story across the internet by making a single link on MEAU.

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